Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bigdata TitBits

Aloha .. Welcome Big data lovers. This is my first attempt to share stuffs that I love to do at work and outside work. And that is "Big Data" off course. A big thanks to the data explosion that each one of us has been witnessing in recent years and the resulting rush to digest and derive insights from the otherwise mundane details of our blogs, machine logs and everything around us. Truely amazing how our thought process shifts so dramatically and breaks all barriers of structured data and formatted outputs to fall in love with unstructured and semi-structured ocean of data. But as it happens always, from the ocean of confusion and lack of standards, will arise the nuggets of truth and innovations will drive new tools and ammunitions for Bigdata to carve a space for itself. In the meantime for commoners like you and me, we will for sure like to drench our feet in the ocean and taste the salt that is going to keep our thirst unsatiated for a long time to come.. For the timebeing, I would say - Enjoy the ride !! Ratikant